Navigate magazine was originally launched in 2015 and was created as a resource for health care professionals. We saw a need to inform the public on how to “Navigate” the health care system and have changed the scope of the magazine to guide our readers through the complex process of navigating Ontario
health care.
We highlight relevant issues specifically geared to educating the public about the Ontario health care system and associated services. This information will directly benefit readers, health care professionals and their patients.
The magazine will be available in major hospitals and health care centers in Ontario and online. Navigate also has a social media and digital tv presence.
Navigate will touch on various elements of the health care system and work closely within the health care industry to produce relevant and current information. Some of the topics we will focus on include:
- Senior Care
- Mental Health Care
- Critical Injury Services
- Diabetic Care
- Palliative Care
- Cancer Care
- Chronic Pain
- Child Health Care
We welcome suggestions for topics and stories as well as encourage health care professionals to submit examples of good practice happening in their hospital or care centre.